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Happy New Year!

Ruth Spayer

As I write this, I find the lyrics of the Al Stewart song “Time Passages” floating through my mind. I guess it could be because it is late in December and the sky is at least threatening to turn to snow, or it could be because this time of year is traditionally one to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. Please bear with me . . . .

This past year has definitely been one of activity and reminiscing. Less than eleven months ago, we opened the new Westclox Museum, with not much more than a wonderful space in a portion of the historic Westclox building, a handful of artifacts, dedicated volunteers, a prayer and a promise. Little did we know that from the inspiration of the little green toolbox (once was used by our founder’s grandma when she worked here) and his dream to share the history of the once-giant of the clock industry and the stories of the people who made the company what it was would spring up the magnificent collection we have amassed thus far. Even more astonishing is the fact that at least 99% of the items in our collection have been donated by former employees and/or their family members! And- we’re still growing!

Throughout the holiday season we have received hundreds of positive feedbacks about the fantastic lighting display on the outside of the building. Thank Promier Products, owners of the building, and CEO Cody Grandadam for that. They are responsible for the specially-manufactured icicle lights and thousands of other lights – and the manpower to install them. But the biggest surprise of the display was the very large Windows of Westclox Past. This part of the display was the brainchild of our museum founder Michael Wollack, who also happens to be COO of Promier Products/Properties. Congratulations to all, and be forewarned – people are already asking what you are going to do to surprise them next year. Looks like Westclox is alive and well in the memories of thousands.

I’ll be stepping away from my corner for a few months of R and R in a warmer clime, but the museum will still be open, and I’ll still be in touch. As always, we are very happy to welcome any donations of Westclox memorabilia – anything from products, to photos, to advertising, paperwork of any kind, you name it – anything to do with Westclox. I’d love to see a plethora if items waiting when I get back in spring!

For now, I’ll wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous new year, and add these little Westclox originals from the past.

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